In the delicate flutter of wings and the soft whispers of the breeze, "Little Butterfly" paints a touching tribute to the fleeting yet profound presence of a precious soul. This heartwarming baby loss poem captures the brief moments shared and the immense love that lingers, even after goodbye. Below, immerse yourself in the tender verses that speak of a tiny life taken too soon, yet forever cherished in memory.
Memorial Poem
Little Butterfly Poem Text

I lived my life inside you
Cocooned in all your love
So mama, papa, please don't cry
I'm still with you, just up above
I felt your every heartbeat
It's my sweetest melody
And for every heavenly bedtime
The Angels play it back to me
I know how much that I am wanted
I feel so very blessed
Of all the mummy's in all the world
I got the very best!
You think of me in all your waking hours,
And on those sleepless nights
Just look out the window and you'll find me
The brightest star, the most dazzling light
I'm that little breeze in the summer
And I'm that unexpected white feather
I plucked it from my downy wings
So that you remember we are always together
I know how much It hurt your soul
When we had to say goodbye
But I'm not gone, in always here
Im your sweet little butterfly.